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David Ben and Steve Cohen talk about finding magic in our every day lives – from the kitchen to the stage!

Submitted Wed, 06/19/2013

The art of the magician is to create wonder.

- Doug Henning

Submitted Tue, 06/18/2013

The pleasure of a magic show is in allowing yourself to be amazed

Submitted Tue, 06/18/2013

We pay good money to people who can trick us. We long for the impossible, and what Miguel Puga does is impossible, but there it is.

Submitted Mon, 06/17/2013

Johnny arrived in the morning and we started to work immediately on his suggestions and ideas.

Submitted Mon, 06/17/2013

t’s a short, sweet magic show where the assistant doesn’t mutely stand at the magician’s side in a sequined suit but plays a grand piano instead.

Submitted Sat, 06/15/2013

Spanish magician Miguel Puga merges music and illusion in a crowd-pleasing show.

Submitted Sat, 06/15/2013

The piano gets equal billing in Miguel Puga and Miguel Aparicio’s show Concerto for Piano & Pasteboards, being presented in the opening days of Luminato. But this is really all about 90 minutes of Puga’s magic tricks, not the art of the keyboard.

Submitted Sat, 06/15/2013

For a sneak preview of Steve Cohen’s talk with David Ben in Luminato’s Lunchtime Illuminations (to be held on Wednesday, June 19 @ noon), the Millionaire’s Magician talks about the similarities between a great magic performance and an intimate and well thought-out culinary experience.

Submitted Wed, 06/05/2013

David talks about his thirty-five-year long pursuit of real secrets

Submitted Wed, 05/29/2013


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