Home » Performers » Juan Tamariz

Juan Tamariz

Juan Tamariz - Card Manipulations

Juan Tamariz

April 2018

Juan Tamariz presents an extended routine, set to music, demonstrating manipulations with a...

Juan Tamariz - Plastic Prediction

Juan Tamariz

April 2018

Juan Tamariz performs a prediction routine witn an unusual plastic prop. 


Juan Tamariz - Examining Levitation

Juan Tamariz

November 2018

A regular segment from Luna De Verano involves looking back on particular...

Juan Tamariz - Cannibal Cards

Juan Tamariz

April 2018

A surreal piece of card magic originated by Lin Searles where cards consume other cards....

Juan Tamariz - Color Changing Card

Juan Tamariz

May 2018

Juan Tamariz performs close-up card magic with his co-hosts.

Chantatachán ...

Juan Tamariz - Spirit Slates

Juan Tamariz

November 2018

Juan Tamariz performs his slate routine from his book The Magic Way. ...

Juan Tamariz - Coins Through The Table

Juan Tamariz

May 2018

Juan Tamariz performs close-up coin magic on Chantatachán.


John Gaughan - Robert-Houdin's Orange Tree

John Gaughan, Juan Tamariz

April 2018

John Gaughan, regarded as one of the greatest builders of illusions of all time, demonstrates...


Juan Tamariz & Pepe Carroll Los Tahúres

In this gambling exposé, Juan Tamariz & Pepe Carroll demonstrate cheating using a unique form of Spanish playing cards — Los Tahúres.

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available. 

Juan Tamariz Examining Magic Cabinets

A regular segment from Luna De Verano involves looking back on particular genres of magic performance through history, including old and rare film footage. This episodes segment focuses on boxes, cabinets and baskets where an assistant is penetrated by swords, spears and blades. 

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available. 

Juan Tamariz Examining Manipulation

A regular segment from Luna De Verano involves looking back on particular genres of magic performance through history, including old and rare film footage. This episodes segment focuses on magicians who manipulate playing cards and other small objects on stage. 

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available. 

Juan Tamariz Examining Sideshow

A regular segment from Luna De Verano involves looking back on particular genres of magic performance through history, including old and rare film footage. This episodes segment focuses on performers who present painful stunts and extraordinary physical feats. 

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available. 


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