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The Magic Palace

Magicana is pleased to announce a forthcoming, online exhibition – in conjunction the release of the next issue of Magicol No. 191 – on Dale Harney and The Magic Palace.

A Canadian television series, The Magic Palace was an inspiration for a generation of magicians. Filmed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in the late 70s and early 80s, the show featured an enormous roster of performers from Canada, the United States and Europe including many whose names are still well known today. The show was conceived and hosted by Canadian stage illusionist, Dale Harney.

Thanks to the efforts of many magicians who were able to provide us with VHS copies of various episodes, we have been to recover over 220 performance clips. As a sneak peek, and to introduce you to Dale and his inventiveness, here is a clip of him performing one of his signature illusions, a variation of Houdini’s Water Torture Cell.

We plan to release the full Dale Harney & The Magic Palace online exhibition soon. If you haven’t already, please join our eList and be the first to know when it goes live!

In addition to developing and hosting this online exhibition and archive, we will be working with the new Art of Magic team. They will be providing commentary on the various performances.

So for now, enjoy this sneak peek ... and for more sneak peeks, check out the new Art of Magic website (launching this Friday May 20).


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