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The Pendragons Metamorphosis

Illusionist duo Jonathan and Charlotte Pendragon perform "Metamorphosis". The pair are noted for the speed with which they execute the trick. 

Chantatachán was a program produced for Telemadrid in 1992-93. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.

Mac King Homing Card

Mac King performs the "Card to Pocket" based on Francis Carlyle's "Homing Card" from the original Stars of Magic.

Chantatachán was a program produced for Telemadrid in 1992-93. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.

René Lavand Card to Pocket

Argentinian magician René Lavand performs close-up card magic on Chantatachán. Lavand lost his right arm in an accident at an early age.

Chantatachán was a program produced for Telemadrid in 1992-93. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.

Juan Tamariz Snake Charmer

Juan Tamariz performs a poker-themed packet trick close-up with his co-hosts before taking to the stage to close the episode. 

Chantatachán was a program produced for Telemadrid in 1992-93. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.


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