Dale Harney Vanishing Birdcage
Dale Harney performs the Vanishing Birdcage.
Assisted by Sheila Harney and Russell Glesby.
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Dale Harney performs the Vanishing Birdcage.
Assisted by Sheila Harney and Russell Glesby.
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Mentalist Gene Marvin performs on The Magic Palace.
This performance includes a book test performed with Webster's Dictionary, and feats of rapid calculation.
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This recording has damanged segments and is missing some of its sound and video.
Dale Harney performs dice stacking and a card trick involving spirit writing on school slates on The Magic Palace.
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This performance was recorded by Larry Thornton at the PCAM conference in Victoria, British Columbia.
He explains how he got started in magic and performs several pieces of silent close-up magic.
Read Jamy Ian Swiss' profile of Michael Skinner in Take Two #26 in the Lyons Den.
This performance was recorded by Larry Thornton at the PCAM conference in Victoria, British Columbia.
Read Sid Lorraine's memoir, The Magical ChatterBox, at sidlorraine.magicana.com
This presentation was recorded by Larry Thornton at the PCAM conference in Asilomar, California.
Assisted by Dr. Gene Matsuura.
This performance was recorded by Larry Thornton in Calgary, Alberta.
This performance was recorded by Larry Thornton in Seattle, Washington.
Jerry Andrus presents creative and novel versions of classic effects including the Cut and Restored Handkerchief, the Miser's Dream and the Cups and Balls.
This performance was recorded at the PCAM convention in Seattle, Washington.
This performance was recorded by Larry Thornton at the IBM Convention in San Diego, CA